Thursday, March 12, 2009

Midterm Grades

I've received one mid-term grade and will get the second next Tuesday. I have, however, changed my mind about posting them (and will be taking down the poll). If you are interested in the grade(s) either email me or comment here and I'll email them to you. Otherwise, know that I'm doing fine.


  1. Please send me an email with your grades then. Thanks.

  2. Grades are funny little things. When you do well, you're proud and you want to share, whether you felt it was particularly hard or not. But then if you have a friend who didn't do well and is worried about it, you feel almost guilty for sharing that YOU'RE doing well (even when they asked) because you're showing up your friend. Gaaaaach! (Yes, I'm in that spot right now post-midterms.) Grades are funny little things....
