Saturday, August 13, 2005

Sunday Ideas

In the month of July we had our "Sensational Sundaes" as our Home, Family, and Personal Enrichment theme. One of the mini-classes we had was on Sabbath Day Activities. The teacher of this class took such a unique approach to this topic that I thought I'd share with you the handout she gave to us. I will admit that I have changed the wording slightly, but for the most part this is exactly what I received. Bev, some of these ideas don't apply to you, but it the basics apply to everyone and the rest is easily adapted. :)

Make a Good Sunday!

Container (Cup or Cone?)

Start with the basics - what's going to hold your Sunday together? Your personal spiritual well being. Take some time with the Lord and your scriptures, assess where you are, and prayerfully decide how you are doing. If there's any necessary improvements, repent as needed and set some realistic goals.

Ice Cream

After self comes family. Much like ice cream, families come in many different flavors. This is a great day to assess the spiritual needs of your family. Talk about lessons heard in Church. Spend a little more time on a topic during family scripture study. Simply spending uninterrupted time together will strengthen the family unit. Here are some ideas. -Have family gospel instruction -Go on a walk with family members -Get better acquainted with family -Hold family council meetings -Visit relatives -Read with your children -Build husband-wife relationships -Develop appreciation for the cultural arts


If you were to stop here you would still have a great Sunday. Everything else is just a topping! Some of the best Sunday toppings tend to be those things that you know you should be doing, but never seem to have the time for. But just like that hot fudge, forget the guilt and jump on in! -Write in your journal -Spend extra time in the scriptures -Do family history work -Prepare for your calling -Visit, write, or call a friend -Do missionary work among neighbors and friends -Serve others -Plan family home evening and other family activities -Compile a personal or family history -Visit the sick or lonely

For more ideas see Elder Tingey's article: "Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy", Ensign, February 2000 (Bev, you can find this on the website if you want to reference it.)


- Karen