Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Favorite Wedding Memories

Sheri's Wedding

Two things I remember most about Sheri's wedding were the fancy dresses that we used for dress up forever after and the present train we made to get the gifts to Sheri and Randy to open.

Karma's Wedding

Mom and I used to go clothes shopping now and then. We'd see something cute or pretty and we'd examine it to see if it was something we'd like. Inevitably we'd encounter the price. The price always determined if it would remain cute or pretty or if it would be religated to the "that's nice" category (meaning it was still cute or pretty but much too expensive to be worth it). We encountered one such dress while shopping for Mom's dress for Karma's wedding. We'd been looking for a while when we spotted one that was really pretty. It was the right size and fit mom great. Then we looked at the price and decided it was "nice". Mom started changing back into her clothes while I took the dress back to the rack. As I was hanging it up I noticed a sign saying 25% off. The dress became wonderful again :). Another favorite memory was sitting in the room with the family getting ready for the session and having one of the workers say I could sit next to my mom... Karma :).

Karen's Wedding

My fondest memory was sitting in the Celestial room waiting for Dan to come in. Between my fancy frilly dress and the elegant surroundings I truely felt like a princess. And Dan looked like a prince when he arrived. Another happy memory was Sandy taking the time and care to curl my hair just right. And then there was the dinner at Donovan's where Dad parked his own car in the valet lot.

I don't know why I wanted to share these with you, but I did. Please, post your memories too.

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