Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Price of Hobbies

All hobbies cost us. The question you have to ask is what do they cost us, and is it worth it? As I write this I'm working on Family History. I currently have a paid Ancestry.com account and it's been very useful in connecting the dots (since many of the records are not free), but my account is about to expire and I cannot justify the ~$160 per year cost with our current budget. The other factor is time. I could look up these items myself without the use of the computer, but the time involved would be greater than I could possibly have. There is a reason the stereotypical geneologist is grey-haired, not middle-aged with two young children. Sigh!


  1. A lot of genealogy though is about talking to living relatives. It may only cover the more recent relatives, but you can pick up more interesting stories this way. So, while you're in the phase of "not enough money and time" to dig through the older records, you can still "keep your hand in", so to speak.

  2. This is true, but have you ever tried to speak with someone who doesn't want to talk to you (especially about their growing up times)? Have you ever tried to get ahold of someone in another state that you only have a snail mail address for? Have you ever tried to talk to someone on the phone whom you cannot hear very well even without the screaming kids in the background? Time is golden and unfortunately golden time doesn't always coincide with getting the stories (which I would love to have).
