- I finish my Spring 2010 term. It was a tough term since only one of the classes was among my strong subjects, but I managed to do okay. I got A's in all three classes so my GPA is safe for now.
- I spend 6+ hours of my life in the emergency room. I have come to the conclusion that the reason they have you admit yourself through the emergency room when you deliver your child is so that you know where it is since you'll be back. Gabriel managed to trip, while running through the house, into the coffee table corner and slice open his ear. 3 hours in the ER later it was clean and super-glued. This was about a month ago on a late Sunday afternoon. Last night Valerie some how (we still aren't sure what happened since neither child is talking... helpfully) hurt her arm when we stopped by to visit with Grandma and Grandpa Wilhite (Dan's mother and step-father). At first we thought it was just a mild injury and that resting it would help, but when we got home and she was still crying, craddling her arm, and yelping out loud whenever it was touched or moved we determined it might be more serious. Dan determined the pain to be closer to the elbow joint, but the swelling started near the wrist. It was ER time again. X-rays showed no fracture, but it took another 3 hours to determine that. Wouldn't you know it... it was on a Sunday :P. (Side note: Of the two other ER visits we've had, one was also on a Sunday.... our children are injury prone on Sundays appearantly.)
- We planted a garden. We decided to skip the pumpkins this year since we had such a hard time with squash bugs last year. We also only planted one tomato plant instead of two. Sadly, of the two rows of carrots and two rows of lettuce we planted we had only five sprouts (two lettuce and three carrots) of which one carrot has already wilted. Of the four rows of beans... I think every bean sprouted and I have learned that you plant them with space to spare not just because it allows the plants to get bigger but because it makes it easier to pick them :P.
- Gabe goes to school. Last year when looking for an inexpensive Pre-K program a friend of mine recommended the charter school that her kids attend and that she was PTO president at. Admission is free, but applications are reviewed on a lottery basis. Unfortunately, the lottery had already passed, but I put in an application anyway. School started without a word from the school. At the beginning of this year I put in another application for the Kindergarten program hoping that we'd have better luck. Then at the beginning of April I received a call saying that they had an opening in one of the Pre-K classes and would I still be interested. I jumped on the chance and Gabriel started school with three months left. He's loved it and since he was in the Pre-K program he gets preference in selection for the Kindergarten class (which it turns out he wouldn't have made it into anyway since the double-application resulted in an automatic in and an email saying "Sorry, we're full" :P).
- I began my business. It's official. I've got a State Tax ID number and a business license from the City of Albuquerque. I'm doing part-time bookkeeping for a local electrical contracting business that my sister has been helping out. She's been training me free of charge on the things I don't understand and I've been able to apply things I've learned from her and from my classes. As I get more experience, I'm hoping my client base will expand, but I'm okay with one for now since I'm still in school.
2 months ago
Eagh, I hate squash bugs. :-( BTW, if you ever need urgent care that doesn't quite warrant the emergency room, you might want to check out After Hours Pediatrics (http://www.after-hours-pediatrics.com) - they have an office on the west side. We went there when Q had a large cut needing glue and they were pretty fast (maybe cheaper? not sure).
ReplyDeleteGood luck with kindergarten and your business!
My kids get hurt on Sundays as well. They also like to break out in full-body hives on Saturday or Sunday night, so we end up at the all-night pediatrics office until after midnight to get the critical doctor's note saying it's not contagious and they can attend daycare on Monday morning. Gotta love it....