You're right Sarah. I shouldn't be ashamed that I'm doing well (because that's honestly how I feel). To give you a run down of how she grades, she takes out the lowest homework grade (even if it's 100). If there are any Extra Credit assignments they replace the next lowest respectively (unless the grade on the EC is lower than the grade on the homework). Then she averages and weights these according to her grading scale. The exams and quizzes are averaged and weighted as is (though she hints that could change... something about the final exam grade counting for itself and replacing the lowest exam grade). Since we haven't had a final yet (being mid-term grades) she exclues the finals grade (ex: the final grade is worth 20% so she takes the weighted grades and divides by 80 instead of 100) and that's the mid-term grade. This grade is subject to change. In my case it's more possible to go down than up, but I wouldn't omit the possibility of increasing it.
Now for the grades:
Accounting 1A (my on campus class): 100.66%
Business Math (my hybrid/dl class): 100.80%
2 months ago
Congrats on getting the good grades. Hoping that you can maintain this pace for the rest of the course.