... Thirteen to go!
Weeks that is. I'm not sure why I was so nervous. The classes themselves, while not easy, don't seem like they will be overly difficult either. Then again I've only attended one week so we'll have to see. I've decided that I cannot afford to purchase a daruma doll so I'll be downloading a picture and posting it here sometime soon. (If you're confused read alittle more about it here.)
I spoke with an Academic Advisor today and we figured out that if I stick with my two classes a term schedule and go every term between now and graduation I should be done after the Fall term of 2011. Of course, I can always accelerate that, but at least I have a finish line up now :).
Well. I'm off, but I thought I'd give you all an update (not that there's much to say).
2 months ago
Glad the first week went well. Here's your own personal daruma if you need it.