Monday, November 24, 2008

Brandon Sanderson

Though he's been publishing for a few years now, I've just recently become aware of his books. Even when my husband mentioned his name as the author to finish the Wheel of Time books, I hadn't a clue and only hoped he'd do the series justice. Now I'm excited. He recently decided to try an experiment where he released an unpublished work to the public for free on his web-site. And because he didn't want to offer anything he didn't think was worthy of publishing, he did it with the book he was working on for future publication (he even got permission from his publisher). As he wrote the book he posted various drafts and edits so that his fans could also see how a story is created and brought to life. Because of this I now have two books I absolutely must have when they are released next year. The first was a given (Memory of Light, Wheel of Time book 12), but the second I've just finished reading and absolutely loved (Warbreaker).

It's really neat to see Mr Sanderson's character progression. In Elantris you knew the main characters, loved them, and wanted to know what would happen to them. There were some surprises along the way, but nothing earth shattering. In the Mistborn series you knew most things about the main characters (there were some surprises) and you loved seeing them grow and change. He then added some vast surprises about some of the "secondary" characters that gave them a far greater role than you would have expected. In Warbreaker you get to know a little about the main characters, but in many ways the secrets they kept were as much of a motivation for reading the book as the story itself. I'm still torn about the ending as I would like to know more about what happens "after" but I am happy with how things wrapped up. I'm really curious about how he will take the next step with Memory of Light as Robert Jordan treated his characters differently. With the Wheel of Time series you get to know the characters and love them, only to find out that they have vast secrets that they themselves don't even know. The entire series is a journey of "self-discovery" for each character (though it can get a bit drawn out at times).

I also love that he created unique systems of magic and energy. I most fantasy you have magic based on elements (Earth, Fire, Air, Water, and Life), runes, or will. Mr. Sanderson has created four different types of magic. Elantris bases it's magic on symbols, but adds an element of mathematics and complexity that reaches beyond ordinary rune systems. The Mistborn Trilogy bases it's magic on metals. Different metals serve different functions and there are actually three different magic systems that use them. In Warbreaker the magic exists through the life-force known as Breath, but manifests itself through color and sound. Then there's Mr. Sanderson's Alcatraz series which is geared more towards young readers. The magic here is actually based on lenses (as in eye-glasses). I thoroughly enjoyed the first of these books because it was a hilarious cross between Harry Potter and Series of Unfortunate Events.

One more thing that I love about this author is that he is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and if you look for it, you can see evidence of his faith in his books. I'm not saying that he spouts doctrine or anything of that nature, but some of his characters go through a trial of faith and come to answers in much the same way as many who truely seek out the truth do. Unfortunately the best example I can think of would actually give away WAY too much in the Mistborn series, but I would invite you to keep it in mind when you read.

This is most definately an author to check out if you haven't already.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Twilight Pre-Release Party

So I got this email from Borders saying that certain stores are doing a movie pre-release party and you can win two movie passes. Based on the date and time as well as the fact that I'm not that into the books, I doubt that I will attend. I also doubt that many people see my blog, but I wanted to post the link here for everyone who would be interested anyway. Have fun and let me know if you win :)

Borders Party

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What Color is Your Mind?

Your Mind is Purple

Of all the mind types, yours is the most idealistic.

You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.

Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.

What Board Game are You?

You Are Boggle

You are an incredibly creative and resourceful person.

You're able to dig deep and think outside the box to get things done.

You are a non linear thinker. You don't like following directions

You draw your inspiration from the strangest places sometimes. You're constantly inspired.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mansfield Park

What can I say? I really hate the Crawfords. The brother is the typical playboy who doesn't take life seriously (which is why he fits well with the Tom the oldest Bertram at first). The sister is the biggest spoiled brat that ever walked through the UK. The most disturbing part of the story is that they make you think that Mr. Crawford is pulling a Mr. Darcy if you're even slightly familiar with Pride and Prejudice (though if you've just read it then you'll see vast differences that make it impossible). I think that I wasn't fooled because I've seen a film version and remembered enough about it to know better... and I just read P&P. Second in my disgust would be Miss Bertram who reminds me a great deal of Lydia in character multiplied to the 10th degree. I think that I liked this book for the main characters who may not have been perfect but were infinately more preferable in comparison to the rest of the characters with their over the top flaws. While that doesn't highly recommend the book, it is a good story none-the-less. I would give this one a 3 out of 5.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween 2008

Tiger and VampireMoney being tight we did what we could to minimize costs on Halloween this year. Valerie got Gabriel's costume for last year (and probably again next year since it was big on her). Gabriel's costume cost nothing out of pocket (see Painting the Bathroom). I think they look adorable. My costume is something I've had since high school. I've worn it many times and the only thing that really changes are the accessories and the face painting (if there is any at all). I didn't bother taking a picture of it since most of you have seen it and if you haven't you probably will next year ;P.

Bumper StickersDan had fun. His work has a costume contest every year and Dan set out to win it. He built a cardboard frame to fit over his wheelchair then bolted it together and painted it black. He printed out and taped on a couple of bumper stickers (to jog memories if the initial appearance doesn't give away his idea) and a windshield with a blood splatter. The major out-sourcing of money came with his "jacket" and "gloves" which we bought as part of costume set (cheap store-bought costume that isn't really worth the money, but when you start two days before Halloween there isn't much time to do much more). The only other purchases were the red temp hair spray and the bolts, washers, and spray paint for the car. The rest, the face paints, clippers for the hair, the headlights for the car (push lights inset in a styrofoam cooler), and the materials for the car we already had. Thursday night I shaved his mohawk and Friday morning it was hair sprayed and frosted red. He won of course ;).
Up CloseAAAARRRRRRRHeadless Road Warrior

Painting the Bathroom

Today I discovered that lazyness has a way of making you do a LOT of work. Let me 'splain.

Halloween 2008:

My son, via inspiration from Max and Ruby, decided he wanted to be a vampire. We used his suit (complete with vest and tie), an old blue scarf tied around his shoulders as a cape, black temp hair spray from a costume last year, vampire teeth Dan got as a goody from work, and white and red face paints that I have had for a long time. Once the festivities were done I placed the face paints, hair spray, and fake blood (not used) on a shelf out of reach. This is where the lazyness comes in. Two days later (last night) I walked by the shelf and had the impression that I should put them away in my closet. I was in the middle of something and figured that the kids couldn't reach them. This didn't take into account a very resourceful and curious 3 1/2 year old with no qualms about moving his step-stool. This morning I awoke to find a purple child and a multi-colored bathroom.

After PaintingYou can't see the entire bathroom but know that the entire lip of the tub resembled the counter and the toilet and second step-stool got painted while my son tried to find a way to get comfortable upon cleaning commencement. I finally decided to wash him up so I could get the rest of the bathroom done and in the process used up the rest of the hot water in the house and got the inside of the tub almost as dirty as the lip. Three sponges and a couple hours later my son is almost normal colored and the bathroom is mostly clean (there was one spot that I don't dare scrub harder lest I lose paint and grout in the process). One of the nice things about this is it was a true test of the grease-cutting power of my Melaleuca heavy duty cleaner. I also didn't have to worry about ruining my hands (a little lotion and the slight dryness will be gone) since I hate wearing gloves when cleaning. Before you ask, no I didn't use the cleaner on Gabriel. That was purely the Koala Pals body wash.After Cleaning

You know... the more I think about it. It's all my husband's fault. Just the other day he was complaining that I hadn't cleaned the bathrooms recently. And we all know that Heavenly Father has strange ways of answering prayers. Yup! Definately Dan's fault ;P