Sunday, July 11, 2004


It's been a while since I've written. Nothing major has happened recently, but I'll fill you in on some of the smaller goings on.

Highlight of the week: Dan received a birthday card from Dad and Lucynthia in Czech (they translated it for us) and then received a phone call for them to sing to him. It was very special.

Downside of the week: We were planning on heading to Albuquerque this past weekend to attend Guen's wedding and see family, but Dan's work put him on call first Saturday and then Sunday preventing him from leaving the house. Sorry we couldn't be there Guen. We hope everything went well.

The most recent news for Dan was the appointment he had on Friday with the neurologist. He's been suffering from migraines more and more frequently and the doctor had ordered some tests to see if there were external causes. The appointment on Friday gave us good news and bad news. The good news was that the MRI and EEG both came back clean. The bad news was that this means we don't know exactly what causes or even triggers the migraines. The doctor has him trying out a couple prescriptions to see if he can find relief from the pain and possibly determine the trigger.

The most recent news for me has been that, as some of you know, I've been considering going back to school. In preparation for this I've turned in my notice at the bookstore. My last day will be somewhere near the 30th of this month. If you want me to pick up any books for you using my discount let me know before then ;). I still haven't decided what to study in school. I'm not even sure where I'll study yet. We have both the UofA and Pima Community College here as well as a few trade schools. I'll keep you up to date on that as things come along. My other news is that during my physical the doctor determined that I may have ovarian cysts. I've had an ultrasound and the technician didn't seem concerned with what she saw so I'm not worried. I'll learn more on the 20th during my follow-up appointment.

I'll leave you with our love and let you get back to you activities.

- Karen

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