This past term at CNM was the heaviest term I've had yet. I had four classes which were all in the class room. (The details can be found in a previous blog posting.) Well those classes all ran through the 10th with finals for two of the classes the following week. So as of last Thursday, I am done with Fall 2009. Grades have been posted and I managed to get a 4.0 GPA which puts my cumulative GPA at 3.96. I'm relieved.
Registering for Spring 2010 at CNM was a bit of a hassle. My father and step-mother have been wonderful about watching the kids while I've been at school, but their schedules only allow for certain class times. The classes I need to take in order to get into Anderson School of Management (ASM) refused to line up with that schedule. What does this mean? Of the four classes I'm taking, three of them are online classes (Microeconomics, Logic and Critical Thinking, and Intro to Socialogy), and the one class I'm taking face to face (Intro to Anthropology) is during a time that I will need to find alternative child care once a month or miss that class period entirely. I am registered, however, and anxious to get started on January 12th. Well... mostly I'm just anxious to get it over with since all of these classes are for requirements and not for personal interest. On a side note, I've recently found out that one of the classes (Logic and Critical Thinking) is not required as I have already fulfilled the requirement with a transferred credit, so I have the option to drop it or change it to something else if I so choose. I haven't yet decided what I want to do.
In addition, I've been working on getting myself admitted to UNM so that I can work on a bachelor's degree. One of the requirements for admission to ASM at UNM is a computer science class that focuses on learning the Microsoft Office software in relation to business. While I've taken this class before it was almost 10 years ago and no longer counts towards admission. I'm left with the choice of taking it again or taking a waiver exam. The difficulty lies in the fact that if I fail the waiver exam I must take the class. Since I want to try to start Anderson in the Fall that means I have to take the exam with enough time to take the class if needed. This one test is the reason why I've been working on getting myself admitted to UNM for Spring 2010. Finally after admission paperwork, changing admission semester, meeting with advisors, an orientation meeting, meeting with yet another advisor, and pulling my hair out over what other classes do and do not apply (see above paragraph), I'm registered to take the waiver exam on January 12th. Wait.... but that's the day I start Spring term for CNM!!! And, wouldn't you know it, it just happens to end at the exact time my only face-to-face class begins.... sigh.
So three weeks between terms and I'll be using it to study for the waiver exam. Thank heavens Dan has time off between Christmas and New Years. Which brings me to the next subject. Christmas is this Friday. It's been fun having a big kid for a husband who loves the excitement of gift giving, but it's been even more fun having two smaller kids who are starting to understand a little more about Christmas (or at least understand the anticipation). I'll have to post pictures on Saturday. (Someone email me to remind me.) Schooling has made it a little hard to get some of the things done that I would have liked to get ready (baking, putting up lights and decorations, etc), but we have a tree up and decorated and we cut some snowflakes to tape in the window so I'm happy. And almost every day we watch one or another of the Christmas movies we own. Last night we had a Christmas themed dinner at my parent's house. It was a lot of fun having so much family, that I don't get to see on a regular basis, together. I think this year will be great :)
"But I want pictures now!!"
I'm not even sure what else to tell you. Dan's work let go of more people which makes us a little nervous, but he still has a job and now has the ability to do work from home if his back makes it necessary. It's so fun to hear some of the things the kids say. They're imaginations are crazy. Just the other day Valerie exclaimed to Gabriel, "I freeze you with hot dogs!" We're still not sure what this means or where it came from, but it's led to some fun conversations in the car as we freeze each other with various food items.
Enough rambling for now. If I think of anything else to add I'll put it in a new post.