Thursday, July 21, 2005

2 Months and Counting

It's been a while since I've written. As I mentioned before, we had Gabriel's blessing on July 3rd. We were privileged to have Sandy, Sheri, Karma, Dad, Lucynthia, Rachel, Taliya, and Aleric come into town to spend time with us that weekend. Rachel and her children drove back up to Phoenix Sunday morning, Sheri, Sandy, and Karma flew home Sunday afternoon, and Dad and Lucynthia stayed through Monday afternoon. Since then we've had Gabriel's two month check up. He's 24 inches in length and weighs in at 13 pounds (no wonder my arms feel like jelly by the end of the day). We also had his second round of vaccinations (which he didn't like in the least). Overall he is a very happy baby. He often smiles when he catches sight of Dan or I. He'll even laugh (at least we think he's laughing). With our support he'll also stand up pretty well, though we still have to watch his neck. He's said his first word (of sorts) which turned out to be "Hi." I'm not sure he knows what it means though. Today he actually stayed awake through my entire walk. He is usually asleep before the end of the first lap. In short, he's growing fast (Doc says he's bigger than approximately 90% of other 2 month olds).

Dan is still having problems with his headaches. The doctor we saw merely suggested trying a higher dose of muscle relaxers each night. I also give him frequent neck rubs (though they don't always seem to work).

I've included a couple of recent pictures so you can see his happy face.

Lots of love, - Karen