I have to admit that we haven't been entirely honest with all of you. Last Tuesday at my OB appointment the doctor said I was about 70% effaced, and between 2 and 3 cm dilated. Then she asked if we'd like to induce. After Dan and I discussed it, we agreed and set up an appointment for Wednesday (18th) morning at 5:30. Yes, that means tomorrow morning we edge the process along if nothing happens tonight. The reason we haven't mentioned this to anyone until now is that we honestly didn't think we would get this far and didn't think that there would be a need to tell you. I, however, would like you to know so that your level of anticipation can be about as high as ours. We will let you all know the details when we know them, but for now expect that you'll be getting another family member sometime within the next 24-36 hours.
Lots of love,
- Karen