This past week has been fairly uneventful. We had fun on Saturday when Dan decided that it would be easier to make something special for dinner rather than try and fight crowds at any restaurants. He went pretty full out too. Shrimp alfredo over noodles, grilled shrimp ka-bobs, and grilled steaks were obviously a lot to take in one sitting and we ended up with dinner for Sunday as well.
On more personal notes, Dan's been really frustrated with his work in regards to Sundays. Since it ends up being left up to what's best for everyone and Dan is only one of a couple who would rather work Saturday than Sunday so he's stuck working Sunday's until everything is caught up. This wouldn't be much of a problem as he's typically home soon enough to make it to sacrament, but he's left on call for the rest of the day in case anything else goes wrong. The past three weeks, however, he hasn't even had to go in because they haven't called, but he can't go anywhere else either.
Karen has been enjoying the rest. Not having to constantly worry about other people not showing up, among other things, has been really nice. It has also given her a chance to get some things caught up at home and finalize things from the sale of the Ogden house.
Love to you all.